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Tag: John

Episode 15: The Vine Abides

Episode 15: The Vine Abides is experiencing technical difficulties–so enjoy this week’s podcast here! Easter 5B Casey FitzGerald tells John 15:1-11 Find the video story (along with storytelling ideas for all ages) from Acts 8:26-40 at Faith and Wonder (or just scroll down!) Come to the Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers this August! Find Jason Chesnut of The Slate Project HERE Tracy Radosevic, Storyteller, Dean of the Academy for Biblical Storytelling  

Nicodemus and the children: Lent 2 Stories and Stations

Nicodemus and the children: Lent 2 Stories and Stations

In case any of you are working on the RCL text this week–here are stations based on the FIRST HALF of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus along with our kid telling! And check out Story Divine for a telling of the whole story! WATCH and WONDER Kids tell John 3:1-10, 16-17 This is a tricky story to have the kids tell–it’s hard for adults to understand! What I am learning from these experiences of putting the kids on video is that…

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Worship Stations for Lent: Part 2

Worship Stations for Lent: Part 2

Last year I posted information on our worship stations for our Wednesday night Lenten suppers…but I posted them after they occurred. This meant I could tell you about the stations, what went well, what didn’t–and you could see pictures. This year the only pictures will be borrowed from other sites that have done the projects–my own photos to be inserted later! My thanks to my colleague Patty Chamberlain and our Children’s ministry team members for brainstorming with me! One final note–as these…

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Raising Lazarus through Story (Kids tell John 11)

Raising Lazarus through Story (Kids tell John 11)

WATCH and WONDER Kids tell John 11:38-44   WEEK 5 WORSHIP STATIONS Our texts for this week were Ezekiel 37:1-14 and John 11:38-44. Along with watching the two story videos, the worship stations focused on God “making all things new,” (Rev. 21:5).  It was sort of a catch-all kind of night…as it was to be our last supper for the season, we wanted to incorporate something of Holy Week and Easter. CREATIVE LISTENING While watching Ezekiel 37, kids were invited to draw…

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The Children at the Well: Lent 3 video and stations

The Children at the Well: Lent 3 video and stations

WATCH and WONDER Kids tell John 4 I had very limited recording time this week–and the woman at the well story is about 40 verses–so this is our abridged version! To put the story into context, I added some commentary at the beginning and end. I prefer not to interfere with the kids’ magic, but I also wanted to put the story in context. Because of the lack of time, I was also forced to film quickly–which meant a lot…

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A lot more than John 3:16–Lent 2 for Telling

A lot more than John 3:16–Lent 2 for Telling

WATCH and WONDER John 3:1-17 As told by Rev. Timothy Coombs Recorded for the Network of Biblical Storytellers Link to full text HERE This is the story for the second Sunday of Lent. I love Tim’s portrayal of Jesus and the way he tells the story as a conversation (because it IS a conversation). Jesus does not speak from “on high”–he does not condescend–he tries his best to explain to Nicodemus what it means to be born again (or, as…

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