Left Behind? Jesus as the boy in the Temple

Left Behind? Jesus as the boy in the Temple


Luke 2:41-52
as told by children and their grown-ups
filmed and edited by Alex Bryant

We played this video today in Sunday worship to give folks a taste of what has been happening on Wednesday nights. This story was paired with 1 Samuel 16:1-13, the story of the boy David’s anointing–as told by an amazing storyteller in our church (one of a number who’ve helped lead worship this Lent). Both are stories of children being left behind. I am grateful to be in a church that seeks out intergenerational experiences and desires to deepen these relationships. As always, there is more work to be done!


I continue to be amazed as my children seek out these videos again and again. They are learning them by heart.

*If you watch this with children, encourage them to engage with the stories by asking questions and telling you what they heard. Tell each other stories of “getting lost” as a way of discussing what it must have felt like to be 1) Jesus’ parents and 2) Jesus himself. Once you have watched it a number of times, try retelling it in your own words. What are the most important parts of the story? Here is a link to the text: Luke 2:41-52 from GoTell. If you want to go deeper, read Tom Boomershine’s written commentary on the story. Or, listen to Dennis Dewey’s audio version–how is his telling different?

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